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Hvis vi kunne rense vores spildevand så grundigt, at vi kunne udnytte det som en ressource i stedet for at lede det ud i havet og altså skabe en cirkulær tilgang til vores forbrug, ville spildevand potentielt blive bæredygtigt og kunne bidrage til den grønne omstilling.



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Det undersøger Bornholms Energi & Forsyning sammen med en række internationale partnere i det eksternt finansierede innovationsprojekt WaterMan.


Nedenfor kan du læse flere detaljer om projektet på engelsk.

The innovation project, WaterMan, promotes the reuse of water in the Baltic Sea Region. In the project public authorities and water companies develop model strategies to reuse water and recirculate retained water.


The project is being implemented from 01.01.2023 to 31.12.2025 under the Interreg Baltic Sea Region programme 2021-2027. 


The initiative adds a new element to water management that can make water supply more climate resilient. The key actors for water reuse are local authorities and water companies, for most of which the topic is still a novelty. WaterMan will supply them with knowledge and tools to develop strategic approaches and implement concrete measures that bring water reuse into practice.


Visit the project website for further information



The project involves 43 organizations from all over the Baltic Sea Region and implements 10 pilot activities.



Geographically, WaterMan focuses on the southern parts of the Baltic Sea Region (southeast SE, DK, DE, PL, LT, LV, EE). This concentration on homogenous geology & landscape type will make peer learning and knowledge transfer more effective. 


Visit the project website for further information